May 08, 2010

The Amber Alert GPS™ Free "Child Safety Package"

As a concerned parent you are now eligible to receive...

The Amber Alert GPS™ Free "Child Safety Package" which includes:

  1. Ebook "The 4 Biggest Mistakes Parents Make That Put Their Children at Risk".
  2. "Child Identification Kit" that could save your child's life.
  3. "Child Safety Tips" Newsletter.
  4. "Child Safety Blog" entry updates as they happen.
  5. 10-Video Kid's Self Defense Course
  6. $50 OFF coupon for Amber Alert GPS purchase!
Don't forget to check your email inbox for a confirmation e-mail. Simply click on the link in the e-mail and you will receive your Child Safety Package.

  For those of you looking to purchase a loctor, I found the Mommy I'm Here Bear for $24.95 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime. They come in brown, blue and pink.

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